June 2024

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
TikTok’s Impacts on GenZ Purchase Behavior in Hanoi
Bui, Thai Q.
Dai Nam University, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-97

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The business market has witnessed a novel transactional trend in recent years, as the information technology industry has experienced notable growth, resulting in the emergence of selling goods on e-commerce platforms. And TikTok is one of these platforms. Entering the Vietnamese market since the end of April 2019, TikTok has recently become one of the social networking sites developed behind only Shopee and Lazada. Although many theories and research models have been developed worldwide to explain the factors affecting online shopping behavior, there are still few studies in Vietnam that answer questions related to the main factors influencing the intention to shop online. In addition, applying a theoretical model from the world to the specific conditions of Vietnam may not be suitable due to unique economic, cultural, and social conditions. Based on qualitative and quantitative research methods, referencing and adjusting relevant theories to develop a suitable research model to evaluate the impact of factors on students' intention to shop online. The research results with a sample size of 160 students in Hanoi showed that there are six important factors that affect students' online shopping behavior: (1) perceived usefulness; (2) perceived ease of use; (3) trust; (4) price; (5) subjective norms; (6) TikTok behavior. From there, the author suggests management implications for businesses to refer to in order to develop business and marketing strategies for online sales, while also improving students' online shopping behavior.


TikTok, Purchase Behavior, Purchase Decision, Online Shopping, GenZ

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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