July 2024

Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
Criminal Responsibility of Mental Disorders for Criminal Offenses in Indonesia
1Dian Novianti, 2Eko Soponyono
1,2Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, 50241
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-10

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Indonesia places all people as equal in the eyes of the law, this is in accordance with Article 27 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution which states that all citizens have the same position under the law and government and are obliged to uphold the law and government without exception. However, it is not easy to realize this goal if you look at the conditions in which criminal law is applied. Criminal law practice, especially for perpetrators with mental disorders. In this case, it is necessary to study the criminal liability of perpetrators of crimes with mental disorders in the laws and regulations in Indonesia. The theories used are the Theory of Criminal Responsibility, the Theory of Punishment, and the Theory of Justice. Criminal liability by perpetrators with mental disorders is regulated in Article 44 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and the Mental Health Law, however, there are no regulations regarding the limitations of mental disorders, giving rise to legal uncertainty both for the victims of criminal acts with mental disorders or for the perpetrators themselves.


Criminal Liability, Crime, Mental Disorders


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1) Criminal Code

2) Law Number 18 of 2014 concerning Mental Health

3) Decision Number 144/Pid.B/2014/ Cianjur District Court

4) Decision Number 105/Pid.B/2017/ Tasikmalaya District Court

5) Decision Number 602/Pid.Sus/2015/ Pekanbaru District Court

6) Decision Number 20/Pid.B/2015/ Limboto District Court

7) Decision Number 50/Pid.Sus/2015/ Kotabumi District Court

8) Decision Number 119/Pid.Sus/2019/ Magelang District Court

9) Minister of Health Regulation Number 77 of 2015 concerning Mental Health Examination Guidelines.
Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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