Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
1Chen Huang, 2Dr. Nurul Syafiza Che Nan
1,2Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia;Faculty Economics And Management
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-107Google Scholar Download Pdf
Coronavirus disease 2019 is a serious public health emergency, and the virus is still mutating and has not yet ended.The global impact of the COVID 19 pandemic is not only limited to the economy, but also includes many other areas, including the lives and health of individuals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the health of ethnic minorities in China. Due to the lack of relevant literature examining the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the health of ethnic minorities in China, this paper attempts to analyse the common factors associated with the increase in the rate of inf ection and the increase in the mortality rate of ethnic minorities in other countries during the pandemic, including healthcare resources, by using a qualitative anal ysis approach and by reviewing a large amount of literature and data from questionnaires t hat have impacted on the health of aboriginal populations during the neo new crown epidemics in other countries, health facilities, income levels and government policies to waive treatment costs, etc., in order to gain insight into the correlation between these factors and the health status of ethnic minorities and their impact on the epidemic, in order to summarise the common factors affecting the health of ethnic minorities in China during the New Crown epidemic. The study found that most indigenous peopl es in other countries suffer from a lack of medical resources due to their remote location, a lack of healthy water sources and sanitation facilities that makes them more susceptible to infection with the Ne w Coronary Virus, as well as a combination of poo r income levels and unhealthy diets that lead to kidney disease and hypertension that add to the mortality rate of the New Coronary condition, and even in a small number of cases, serious mental health prob lems. And China's ethnic minorities also have simi lar social and economic marginalisation and similar living conditions as minorities in other countries. In order to better address this problem, it is recommended that the Government increase investment in medica l resources for ethnic minorities, raise inc ome levels, improve living environments and dietary structures, reduce the probability of kidney disease and hypertension complications by subsidising regular medical check ups for ethnic minorities in China, and help ethnic minorities in China to improve their resistance to the new coronary epidemic, which will be important for improving the health of ethnic minorities in China.
KEYWORDS:COVID 19, health, ethnic minorities in China, economic marginalisation, kidney disease, healthcare resources, mortality rate
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