Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
1Rina Kristina, 2Dewi Astutty Mochtar, 3Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti
1,2,3Master of Law Study Program Postgraduate Program at Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia Terusan Dieng Number 62-64 Malang 65146
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-37Google Scholar Download Pdf
Currently developing again with the emergence of a new payment instrument in the form of a certain amount of money stored in an electronic media owned by someone, this payment instrument is known as Electronic Money. As a means of payment, the acquisition and use of Electronic Money (e-money) can be considered quite easy. Prospective holders or users only need to deposit a certain amount of money to the issuer or through issuing agents and the total value of the money will be digitally stored in electronic media. The problems raised in this paper are regarding the characteristics and status of electronic money as a non-cash payment instrument in banking products and the urgency of legal protection against stored customer electronic money. This type of thesis research uses normative juridical research. The results of this study are that electronic money is essentially cash that is converted into electronic data that is stored on storage media on cards in the form of chips or servers belonging to electronic money holders. The value of the electronic money is also recorded on electronic media managed by the issuer of electronic money. Payment transactions with electronic money are carried out by transferring funds electronically at merchant payment terminals (merchant), by directly reducing the value of electronic money on electronic media managed by electronic money holders. The status of the value of money received by the electronic money issuer, both for the results of the electronic money issuance and refilling, is a float fund, which is the obligation of the electronic money issuer to electronic money holders and traders at the time of billing reconciliation by the merchant to the electronic money issuer and the urgency of guaranteeing funds Customers using electronic money by customer fund guarantee institutions (LPS) have not yet reached the point where they really need them. Because currently existing regulations regarding electronic money, both those regulated by Bank Indonesia Regulations and Financial Services Authority Regulations are still able to protect the rights of customers who use electronic money, but it is possible that in the future IDIC will guarantee the funds of electronic money customers. Considering the very rapid development of electronic money users and the very large circulation of money, then of course LPS can be present as a guarantee institution, of course with updated regulations. And at this time LPS is also reviewing with OJK about the need for LPS to be present as a guarantor of electronic money customer funds.
KEYWORDS:Protection, Electronics Money, Costumer, Bank.
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