Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
Trini Handayani
Suryakancana University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
People in various countries have started to do childfree, including Indonesia. Childfree (voluntary childless) is the decision of a married couple not to have children during the couple's marriage, this is different from the term involuntary chidless, where this term is a term for couples who for some reason do not get children from the marriage. The impact of childfree on health if in order to prevent pregnancy using hormonal contraceptives, cancer of the reproductive organs will arise or thromboembolic which is at risk of stroke. Another impact is the existence of a demographic imbalance where the elderly population is very dominants and the toddler population is very lacking so that the number of productive age is decrease and this will lead to a decrease in the resilience of a country. Efforts that have been made by the state in preventing childfree are by providing large incentives to the productive age population so that it is expected not to hesitate to have children as the next generation.
KEYWORDS:childfree; health impact; demographic impact
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