July 2024

Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
Applying the Stimuli-Organism-Response (SOR) Model in Government Institutions to Measure Employee Engagement and Performance: Case Study of The Indonesian Ministry of Finance
1Said Basalamah, 2Leliantika Handitya Deastri, 3Moch. Arief Risman
1,2Leadership and Managerial Education and Training Center; State Financial Polytechnic Stan, both of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance
3Leadership and Managerial Education and Training Center, Indonesian Ministry of Finance
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-56

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This descriptive-quantitative research through a survey aims to prove whether the Stimuli-Organism-Response (SOR) model can be applied to government institutions, and to test whether there are differences among categories of Ministry of Finance (MoF) employees. Questionnaires were sent to all MoF employees by online using the MoF Forms, but only 3,009 respondents returned the questionnaire and 3,000 were processed because 9 respondents gave the same response to all questionnaire items. Analyses were carried out using descriptive analysis and MANOVA, while hypothesis testing was carried out using Partial Least Square method. The research results show that organizational values, employee engagement and individual factors have a significant influence on employee engagement and performance, which also proves that the SOR model can also be applied to government institutions. From the MANOVA method, it is proven that there are differences between length of service, age, gender and echelon I units regarding the values of the Ministry of Finance. Meanwhile, for individual factors and conservative variables, only the Gen X category that are different from the category of Gen Y, while the other categories are not different.


employee engagement; employee performance; organizational culture; organizational values; Stimuli-Organism- Response (SOR) model.

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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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