Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
1Fitriah Faisal, 2Wa Ode Zuliarti
1,2Law Faculty, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-84Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study discusses the protection of personal data in the context of human rights, specifically the right to privacy in Indonesia. In the digital era, personal data has become a valuable asset that drives the operations of businesses, governments, and individuals. Digital literacy plays a crucial role in the protection of personal data, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to manage personal information effectively and safely. Although personal data protection laws in Indonesia have been implemented, many challenges remain, including the gap in public awareness about personal data protection and the readiness of infrastructure and human resources. This study also highlights survey results showing that the awareness of Indonesians about personal data protection is still low, with many data breach incidents occurring.
KEYWORDS:Personal Data, Digital Literacy.
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