Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
1Irmayanti Kusuma, 2St. Asriati AM, 3Ratna Dewi
1,2,3Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-92Google Scholar Download Pdf
The research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Brain-based learning in enhancing speaking abilities among students at SMP Dunia Harapan Makassar. Next, the method was used on this research was quantitative research method with quasi experimental design. The data of this research was collected through test that consisted of pretest and posttest form. While the population of this research consisted of the seventh-grade students at SMP Dunia Harapan Makassar in academic year 2023/2024 which consisted of three classes or 60 students. Meanwhile, the sample of this research were consisted of two classes as experimental class (VII B) and control class (VII A) and each class consisted of 20 students. The results indicated that there was a positive improvement of using Brain-based learning on students’ speaking abilities. It was proven by the students’ mean score in experimental class (88.25) was significantly increased than the students’ mean score in control class (76.5). The result showed that Brain-based learning in experimental class was effective to increase students’ speaking abilities. In conclusion, the results supported the effectiveness of Brain-based learning in enhancing language learning outcomes in the improvement of students’ speaking abilities among seventh-grade students at SMP Dunia Harapan Makassar. The positive results suggested the potential of incorporating Brain-based learning into language education for improved academic performance.
KEYWORDS:Brain Based Learning, Speaking Abilities, Role play, Graphic Organizer, Tongue Twister
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