August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Boundaries In Theatrical Representations of Violence
Literary and Cultural Studies Hassan II University (UH2C), Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLSHM), Morocco

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This paper investigates the role of symbolic violence in theater as a catalyst for fostering civic consciousness and a nuanced understanding of the human condition. By examining the dramaturgical, social, and aesthetic dimensions, the study explores how theatrical productions, through the metaphorical depiction of violence, transmute intense emotional experiences into vehicles for societal introspection and education. The analysis emphasizes the transition from overt physical aggression to more subtle forms of symbolic violence, and examines the implications of this shift for both the audience and the broader cultural discourse.


Symbolic Violence, Theater and Society, Civic Consciousness, Emotional Catharsis, Pedagogical Theater, Power Structures

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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