August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Shift in Traditional Masculine Role Amid COVID-19: A Comprehensive Overview From Bangladesh
Fariha Azme Arthy
Student,Department of Women and Gender Studies University of Dhaka.

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Gender has been an essential category of analysis that has been culturally and historically embedded in society since the 90s century (Scott, 1986). Gender is not a set of defined traits of masculine and feminine roles;instead, it is connected to social, economic, and psychological aspects. This research intends to examine the changing pattern of conventional conservative masculinity amid the COVID-19 epidemic,which instigates male dominance and supremacy and prescribes an fundamental and objective manner of men's roles. Covid-19, a worldwide pandemic, brought immense health as well as socioeconomic crisis for both men and women.As men and women experience the catastrophes differently,a gendered dimension of assessing their condition due to such a pandemic is necessary. Consequently, this paper aims to explore men's miscellaneous experiences, including their socioeconomic crisis, struggle, and coping mechanisms in that outbreak period. Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinity, Talcott Parsons' functionalist theory, and Judith Lorber'sgender role theory were used to assess findings and to comprehend traditional masculinity. According to findings, men face a massive change in their way of living due to the pandemic, which brought both positive changes in their behavior as well as creating an extra burden to bear socioeconomic turmoil. However, men's involvement in family care work, participation in parenting, contribution to creating flexible conjugal relations, and agreement in the deterioration of precarious masculinity indicate a shifting prototype of traditional masculinity. Similarly, masculinity is not just a linear, homogenous, or rigid construction; it has multiple overlapping variables that evaluate the pandemic from a gendered dimension.


Hegemonic masculinity, Gender role, COVID-19 pandemic, Precarious masculinity, Gender stereotype.

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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