August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Connecting the Gap: Enhancing Faculty Performance through Interpersonal Skills
1Dr. Everly A. Nacalaban, 2Dr. Jolou Vincent M. Jala
1BSBA Program Chair, Bukidnon State University – Malitbog Campus, Malitbog, Bukidnon
2Research Coordinator, BSE Program/ SAS Research, Accreditation and Records Head, City College of El Salvador
2Alumnus, Capitol University

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Considering that people are an organization's most valuable resource, understanding how they can contribute to the organization in a way that it is productive, efficient, and effective is important (Jala, J.V.M. and Gaid, Joshua T.). This study dwells on enhancing the faculty performance through interpersonal skills within one of the most prominent universities in Northern Mindanao. The study employed a quantitative research design focusing on descriptive correlational approach.
In addition, the study utilizes Pearson correlation to compute the association and measure the strength of the linear relation between two variables. The research was designed to captivate a total population of 603 participants, which carefully scrutinizes data using both descriptive and inferential statistics.
The study shows that the overall measure of interpersonal skills to strategic function is (r=0.515, p0.005), while the core function is (r=0.487, p0.005) and support function is (r=0.441, p0.005) respectively. This result reveals a strong positive correlation with all facets of faculty performance which is limited to strategic functions, core functions and support functions.
Moreover, the overall measure of interpersonal skills to overall faculty performance is (r=0.481, p0.005). This emphasized the overall significance of interpersonal skills in propelling positive faculty performance. Thus, Interpersonal skills, specifically cognitive, behavioral, and communication skills, positively influenced numerous indicators of faculty performance, including strategic functions, core functions, and support functions. This means that higher levels of interpersonal skills can result to improved faculty performance outcomes.


Interpersonal skills, Cognitive skills, Behavioral skills, Communication skills, Faculty performance, Strategic functions, Core functions and Support functions

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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