August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Flash Card Latsa "Lancar Tiga Bahasa" as an Optimization of Language Building Trigatra in Children's Language Development at Az-Ziyadah Elementary School Jember
1Adi Saputra, 2Wiwin Badrusia Samsiani, 3Lita Nur Azila, 4Muhammad Irvan Akbar, 5Aura Diva Nathania Adinda, 6Fitri Nura Murti
1,2,3,4,5,6Universitas Jember

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Every formal institution must use Indonesian as the language of instruction, including SD AZ- Ziyadah Jember. However, due to the Madurese-dominated environment, not all students at SD Az-Ziyadah are able to deftly understand lessons explained using Indonesian, so teachers need to review using the auxiliary language in the form of Madurese. In addition, limited human resources make English language learning at SD Az-Ziyadah not carried out regularly, so that students are less familiar with English. Assistance with Latsa flash cards was prepared after problem identification, coordination, solution offering, and partner approval, The mentoring begins with socialization activities to learners and teachers regarding the urgency of the language building trigatra, Latsa flash cards, and mentoring mechanisms. Then proceed with the application of the four series of Latsa flash cards for four days, with one series per day. This assistance received support and active participation, both from students and teachers. The utilization of Latsa flash cards makes students enthusiastic about language learning. Seeing the response of partners, Latsa flash cards can be considered to be expanded for use in the community. Latsa flash cards can be used as an effective alternative learning media for language learning.


Flash Cards, Language Skills, Language Building Trigatra, Language, Learning Media

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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