August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
The Role of Trust and its Influencing Factors in the Hospital Industry Indonesia Case
1Putri Kartika Vidya, 2Hasyim,3 Hosizah
1,2,3Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Trust is important for a hospital, because trust is a variable that can bridge various independent variables to the dependent variable. Trust that is embedded in the minds of patients will be a factor that patients consider in choosing a hospital, high trust will provide benefits for the development of the hospital. This study aims to analyze the role of trust level on patient revisit intention. The research method uses quantitative causal research to see the relationship between one variable and another. Hypothesis proving uses a structural equation model that shows whether or not there is an effect of changes in the independent variable on changes in the dependent variable. The study used 155 sample respondents who were hospital patients during the period 2021 to 2023, who were taken by purposive sampling by setting criteria such as having undergone outpatient care. The research results show that in structure one, the level of trust is not influenced by the use of E Wom, but the level of trust is influenced by the value perceived by the patient. Sleian that e- wom also does not affect changes in patient revisit intentions. However, customer perceived value still has an influence on revisit intentions. The findings show that the level of trust does not mediate the relationship between e-wom and revisit intentions but the level of trust acts as a mediator of the relationship between customer perceived value and revisit intentions. This conclusion can be interpreted that E-wom is not a factor considered by patients to make a repeat visit to the destination hospital. Factors that are considered by patients to make a re-visit to the hospital if the hospital can provide the value expected by patients in visiting the hospital. The expected value is, time value such as the speed of service delivery, service value that meets patient expectations. monetary value that can be perceived is perceived according to the patient's sacrifice at the cost incurred. The value provided by the hospital will encourage high hospital trust which will ultimately increase repeat visit intentions.


electronic word of mouth (e-wom), customer perceived value, trust, repeat visit

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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