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August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Postpartum Lived Experiences of Emerging Adult Mothers: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study
1Alma T. Gurrea, 2Ivy Joy M. Omlang, 3Edsel P. Inocian
1Opol Community College Opol, Misamis Oriental
2Eastern Samar State University – Salcedo Campus Salcedo, Eastern Samar
3Cebu Normal University Cebu City

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This hermeneutic phenomenological study investigates the lived experiences of emerging adult mothers during the postpartum period. The study focuses on understanding the emotional, physical, and social dimensions of their experiences and their perceptions of challenges, coping mechanisms, and the delicate balance between motherhood and educational responsibilities. Additionally, the study examines the support received from academic institutions and the overall transition to motherhood as a student. The research was conducted in a public university setting, involving interviews with seven participants who met the eligibility criteria. Thematic analysis was employed to identify and analyze key themes and patterns in the participants' experiences. The findings reveal several significant themes, including the challenges of managing academic demands and childcare responsibilities, financial struggles and available support systems, the impact on emotional and mental well-being, academic performance, support from educational institutions, and personal growth and resilience. These findings underscore the complexities faced by emerging adult mothers in balancing their academic pursuits with caregiving responsibilities and emphasize the need for adequate financial and emotional support. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of support from educational institutions and offers insights into the implications of these findings for enhancing the academic journey of emerging adult mothers.


hermeneutic phenomenology, postpartum experiences, emerging adult mothers, support from institutions, academic performance

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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