August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
The Influence of E-Leadership, Innovative Work Behavior, And Digital Culture on the Performance of Teacher at XYZ High School in Palu City
1Sakinah Asrat, 2Fetty Poerwita Sary
1,2Management Business, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

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Introduction/Main Objectives:
Dynamic changes in the education sector, marked by technological advancements, place high demands on the role of teachers as educators. In this context, the abilities and qualities of teachers are crucial to remain relevant in the evolving times.
Background Problems:
Based on the phenomena of fluctuations and suboptimal performance achievements among teachers, a lack of proficiency in utilizing technology, as well as issues related to self-management and a lack of understanding of learning concepts at XYZ Public High School in Palu City, this research becomes intriguing for investigation. It is essential to address this through the enhancement of other variables such as e-leadership, innovative work behavior, and the teacher culture.
The novelty sought in this study is to add the e-leadership theory to teachers who are still lacking it and to explore the relationship between e-leadership, innovative work behavior, and their impact on teacher performance.
From the research, especially in technology use at XYZ Public High School in Palu City. E-leadership, innovative work behavior, and digital culture are identified as critical factors influencing teacher performance.
this thesis research highlights the commendable quality of E- Leadership, Innovative Work Behavior, and Teacher Performance within XYZ State High School. E-Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior both exhibit strong support from respondents, underscoring their pivotal roles in the educational setting. While E-Leadership alone does not demonstrate a significant positive effect on Teacher Performance, Innovative Work Behavior emerges as a decisive factor in enhancing teacher effectiveness.


E-Leadership, Innovative Work Behavior, Digital Culture, Teacher Performance

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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