August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Covert Mode of Sexual Crimes in the Tourism Sector in Indonesia
1Moch. Kholis, 2Umi Enggarsasi, 3Ria Tri Vinata
1,2,3Faculty of Law, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

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The phenomenon of sexual activity in tourism is still an unresolved problem, with every development the practice of prostitution can be found openly or covertly. These conditions cause the phenomenon of female commercial sex workers to continue to grow rapidly, as evidenced by the increasing number of comfort women or sex workers every year. Another problem caused by the existence of activities in the form of sex tourism which accommodate commercial sex workers is considered to be an act of immorality, in other words, this act is classified as something that violates and is contrary to moral norms, especially the practice of trafficking in persons in the tourism industry. Therefore, the research aims to analyze the forms and methods of sex crimes in the tourism sector and also how law enforcement related to sex crimes in the tourism sector in Indonesia is enforced. This research uses normative legal research with a statutory and conceptual approach. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The data analysis used is classifying similar materials and processing them comprehensively so that this step is expected to make the flow of discussions on the completion of this research easier. The research results show that: first, forms of sexual crime in the tourism sector include commercial sexual exploitation, sexual harassment and sexual violence. Second, the law enforcement process against human trafficking, such as sex crimes in the tourism sector, does not only adhere to legal provisions, but must be linked to the social environment of society. The operation of law in society is not only emphasized by applicable regulations, but is also influenced by the social environment of the community. Likewise, preventing and enforcing the law against human trafficking is not only sufficient by making legal regulations that prohibit it, but also requires the participation of the community and government.


Law Enforcement; Sex Crimes; Tourism; Human Trafficking

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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