August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Corporate Mergers from the Perspective of Private International
1Firas Karim Sheaan, 2Hind Faez Ahmed Al-Hasoon
1,2University of Babylon, College of Law, Iraq

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Economic competition casts its shadow on economic projects, as it pushes most of these projects to move towards economic blocs, and international merger is the legal means through which companies and economic projects can achieve their goals in creating these economic blocs. This merger technique directly affects the merging companies because the companies concerned with it not only lose their economic independence, but also lose their legal entity and thus their legal personality, as they disappear completely and are dissolved in the merging company. Also, the international merger of companies takes place through a contract called the merger contract, and these companies are usually of different nationalities, which raises the problem of searching for the law applicable to the merger contract itself, as it is a contract that includes a foreign element, and what is the legal system to which the international merger of companies is subject.


International merger, corporate merger, applicable law, private international law

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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