Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
1Lesta Cut Maria Ulfa, 2IGAA Noviekayati, 3Niken Titi Pratitis
1,2,3Master in Psychology, University 17 August 1945 Surabaya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i08-53Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to investigate the relationship between Workspace Boredom and Organizational Justice on Cyberloafing behavior of educational administration staff. Workspace Boredom is a state of boredom that arises due to a monotonous work environment, while Organizational Justice includes employee perceptions of fairness in social interactions and treatment from leaders and coworkers. The research method used is a survey study with participants of educational administration staff in Surabaya City. Data were collected through a scale that assesses the levels of Workspace Boredom, Organizational Justice, and the levels of Cyberloafing behaviour with a total of 101 employees working in the field of Education in Surabaya City. Data analysis was carried out using nonparametric correlation (Kendall know-b). The results of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between Workspace Boredom and Cyberloafing behavior with a correlation of 0.257 and there was a significant relationship between Organizational Justice and Cyberloafing behavior of educational administration staff with a Correlation of 0.207. While the results simultaneously cannot be proven because the analysis used in this study is non-parametric.
KEYWORDS:Cyberloafing; Organizational Justice; Educational Administration Staff; Workspace Boredom.
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