August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
An Overview of Children's Room Interior Design
1Wenhui Fu ,2Ooi Boon Keat
1Graduate School of Management, Management and Science University, Malaysia
2School of Education and Social Sciences, Ma nagement and Science University

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The paper analyses the state of children's room interior design today from the viewpoints of furniture and space, outlining the issues in both areas as well as the c oncept of children's room interior design and the variables influencing it. The study focuses on how interior design can be sustainable, how to create conditions that are conducive to children's developmen t, and how children's needs for indoor spaces vary as they become older. By elaborating on the concepts of space and furniture related contents, this paper amimed to discuss the connection between spatial design concepts for children's growth and the functional sustainable adaptation characteristics requir ed for furniture. The realistic needs of children's room illustrating the influence and importance of interior design on the targeted approaches. In terms of space, it mainly solves the problems of “security” and “comfortability”. For furniture, the issue s of “growth (adjustable and adaptable)”,“modularity” and “detachable” are mainly addressed. The study concludes with recommendations and outlook for the future development of children's room interior design in China. It provides assistance for children's healthy growth and practical guidance for green design.


Interior design, children's rooms, sustainable adaptation, space,furniture

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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