Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
1Golan Hasan, 2Frendy_2131410
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business University Internasional Batam, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i08-06Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze the effect of Brand Image, Promotion, Sales, Product Quality, and Service on Purchase Intention with Social Media Marketing as a mediating variable for E-commerce users in Batam. Data was collected through a survey involving 304 respondents who are active users of the E-commerce platform in Batam, but there are only 256 valid respondents to use. The data analysis method used is SmartPLS analysis to test direct and indirect relationships between variables. The results showed that Brand Image, Promotion, Sales, Product Quality, and Service have a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention. Meanwhile, Social Media Marketing is proven to mediate the influence of Brand Image and Sales on Purchasing Intention has positive significant results, but not with Promotion which gives negative results. This study confirms the importance of the influence of Brand Image, Promotion, Sales, Product Quality, and Service on Purchase Intention with Social Media Marketing as a mediating variable for E-commerce users in Batam. The findings provide practical implications for E-commerce managers in Batam to further focus their efforts on strengthening Brand Image, Promotion, Sales, Product Quality, and Service and utilizing social media as a strategic marketing tool.
KEYWORDS:Brand Image, Promotion, Sales, Product Quality, Purchase Intention
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