Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
1Zulkarnaini, 2Chicka Willy Yanti, 3Yanti Siburian
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i08-67
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This research was carried out in Kayu Ara Permai Village, Sungai Apit Sub district, Siak Regency on March 2129, 2024 with the aim of analyzing the sustainability status of the vannamei shrimp pond business and determining the most sensitive attributes in the sustainability of the vannamei shrimp pond business. The research method used in this study is a survey method by making direct observations in the field (observation) by interviewing a number of Vannamei shrimp pond owners in KayuAraPermai Village as respondents. The population in this study is the Fisheries Service, extension workers, community leaders, Vannamei shrimp pond owners, and Vannamei shrimp pond technicians, which totals 10 people. The data obtained was analyzed with RAPFISH to explain the ecological, economic, technological, social and institutional dimensions that include sustainability attributes through several analyses including: multidimensional scaling (MDS) and Leverage analysis.The sustainability status of the vannamei shrimp pond business in KayuAraPermai Village is in the category of quite sustainable with a value of 57.50. The highest value lies in the technological dimension of 84.59 (good sustainable), then the ecological dimension of 67.62 (moderately sustainable), the economic dimension of 59.69 (moderately sustainable), the social dimension of 56.42 (moderately sustainable), and the lowest is the institutional dimension of 19.24 (moderately sustainable). The leverage attributes of the five dimensions that are the most sensitive and have high leverage in influencing the sustainability status of the vannamei shrimp pond business in KayuAraPermai Village include climate, marketing area, fry market support, participation of family members and the existence of the cultivation group.
KEYWORDS:Sustainability status, leverage attributes, RAPFISH, vannamei shrimp, pond business
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