Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
1Gariando, Mariael S.,2Nabor, Gler Andrei V.,3Purog, Ramil A.
1,2,3College of Education. Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City, 6500, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i08-71Google Scholar Download Pdf
Typewriting, once a common service, has largely faded due to the rise of computers and digital technology. However, in Tacloban City, Philippines, one typewriting business has persisted for over 26 years. The study explores the factors behind the continued operation of this lone typist, investigating their motivations, clientele, and adaptation strategies in the digital age. Researchers employed a qualitative case study approach, utilizing purposive sampling to gather data from the sole typewriting service provider. Thematic analysis, following Caulfield's (2019) framework, was used to analyze the data. Findings reveal that the typist's dedication, specialized services, and specific customer base who prefer traditional methods contribute to the business's enduring success despite the widespread availability of digital alternatives. This study offers deeper understanding on the resilience of traditional businesses in a rapidly evolving technological landscape and provides insights into the dynamics of creative destruction and cultural lag within a specific industry.
KEYWORDS:Typewriting, Typist, Persistence, Digital Age, Case Study, Business Adaptation, Cultural lag, Creative Destruction
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