Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
1Zulkarnaini,2Chicka Willy Yanti,3Herawati Br Ginting
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i08-72
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This research was conducted at the Kampar Patin Village Processing Centre in February 2024. The determination of the research location was purposive based on the consideration that KampungPatin Processing Centre is a potential patin fish processing production area. This sampling method uses a survey method, namely by conducting field observations and direct interviews. It is known that the number of salted catfish processing workers in the Processing Centre is 36 people. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of labour productivity and analyse the factors that affect labour productivity. The method used to analyse the data in this study is using single factor productivity analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the average productivity of catching fish was 1.18 tonnes/hour, cleaning fish was 0.58 tonnes/hour, and lighting fish was 0.19 tonnes/hour. Factors that significantly affect labour productivity in salted catfish production are wages by 20.1%, education by 39.1%, experience by 53.8%, and the number of dependents by 40.7%. So in this study, labour productivity is classified as high, namely in fishing activities and the most influential factor on labour productivity is experience.
KEYWORDS:Productivity, Labor, Factors
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