Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
1Astri Mulyani,2Dr. Dian Indiyati
1Student, Masters Management Program, Faculty of Economic and Business Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
2Lecturer, Masters Management Program, Faculty of Economic and Business Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i08-73Google Scholar Download Pdf
The electricity sector is a primary need for growing and developing regions, and it is one of the sectors that supports the Indonesian economy. Effective human resource management can create employee and customer satisfaction, improve performance, and build teamwork and good communication between teams. This study aims to understand the implementation of job satisfaction and communication at PT Batam National Electricity Service (B’right PLN Batam) as well as the employee's performance in the company. This study also seeks to determine the extent of the influence of job satisfaction and communication on employee performance at PT Batam National Electricity Service (B’right PLN Batam), both partially and simultaneously. The research method uses descriptive and verification methods. The data collection technique is carried out by distributing questionnaires online via Google Forms. Data analysis was carried out using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique using LISREL 8.8 software. The population of this research is all employees of PT Batam National Electricity Service (B'right PLN Batam), with a sample of 220 people using Slovin and non-probability sampling techniques. The results of this research show that the level of job satisfaction at PT. Batam National Electricity Service (B'right PLN Batam) is in the category of "quite satisfactory," the level of employee communication at PT. Batam National Electricity Service (B'right PLN Batam) is in the category of "fairly effective," and the level of employee performance at PT. Batam National Electricity Service (B'right PLN Batam) is in the category of "good enough." In summary, both job satisfaction and communication have a positive and significant influence on employee performance, both partially and simultaneously.
KEYWORDS:Job Satisfaction, Communication, and Employee Performance
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