August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Primary School Curriculum Management Based on Islamic Character Building Value and Science Technology at SDIT Dauroh, Tangerang Regency
1Astri Widyani,2Ivan Hanafi,3Masduki Ahmad
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Curriculum management is the main management substance in schools. Curriculum management is a cooperative, comprehensive, systemic, and systematic curriculum management system designed to make it easier for education managers to carry out teaching and learning activities through the stages of planning, implementation, evaluation, and program improvement so that teaching and learning activities are well directed. The basic principle of curriculum management is to strive for the quality and learning process to run well, with a benchmark for achieving goals by students and encouraging teachers to develop and continuously improve their learning strategies. The stages of curriculum management in schools are carried out through four stages. These stages are the planning, organizing and coordination, implementation, and control stages. This study aims to analyze the curriculum development process, analyze learning principles and describe the learning model of elementary schools based on Islamic character value and science technology at Dauroh Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT), Tangerang Regency. This research is focused on three things; First, the process of developing the JSIT curriculum in elementary schools based on Islamic character value and science technology at the Dauroh Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT), Tangerang Regency. Second, the application of the learning principles of the Integrated Islamic School (SIT) carried out by the Dauroh Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Tangerang Regency. Third, the implementation of an Islamic character value and science technology-based learning model at the Dauroh Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT), Tangerang Regency. The design of this study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection is carried out by interviews, observations, documentation studies. Then the informant was determined by purposive sampling technique. The data analysis in this study was carried out with a procedure that adopted the interactive model of Miles, Hubberman, and K. Yin which was carried out at the time of data collection and after the completion of data collection in a certain period. This study produced the following findings: SDIT Dauroh as a school that implements curriculum management based on Islamic character value and science technology which includes 1) curriculum development is carried out through the feasibility test stages, concept preparation, curriculum plan development and curriculum trial implementation. 2) The application of learning principles consists of the stages and achievements of students, lifelong learners, relevant learning and future-oriented learning. 3) the implementation of learning models, among others; discovery learning, project-based learning, self-directed learning (SDL), contextual learning, role-playing and simulation, cooperative and collaborative learning, small group discussions, and problem-based learning. In the development of the curriculum, it was found that the peculiarities of the curriculum were based on Islamic character value and science technology where the school combined the national curriculum with the JSIT (Integrated Islamic School Network) curriculum based on Islamic value character. The implementation of the Islamic character value and science technology-based curriculum is found in the form of the implementation of the 2013 national curriculum and the independent curriculum which is strengthened by the application of Islamic character values through habituation.


Curriculum Management, Islamic Character, Integrated Islamic Primary School

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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