August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Politics and Education in Nigeria: Issues and Consequences
1Ugochukwu Ifeyinwa Offor Ph.D, 2Patricia Ego Nwaru
1,2Department Of Educational Foundations Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka

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This study examined Politics and Education in Nigeria: Issues and Consequences. Three research questions guided the study; descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 73,400 academic staff of the public universities in South-East Nigeria. The sample comprised 1,040 academic staff of the universities. Purposive sampling technique was used to obtain Professors and Readers given that the record number of lecturers that participate in politics and management of elections. Then proportionate sampling technique was used to obtain 10% of Professors and Readers to give rise to 700 Professors and 340 Readers. Data collected were analyzed using mean. Findings of the study showed that the importance of education for those participating in Nigerian politics includes; it Increases political participation, Increases political awareness ; some of the major issues in Nigerian politics includes ; Ethnic bigotry, Religious bigotry, Corrupt Leaders and the consequences of the major issues in politics in Nigeria are failure in governance, poor economic indices, multi-dimensional poverty, insecurity, poor education outcome, unemployment and other vices. The study recommended that government should address different issues that have to do with education sector as a means of building its capacity in order to ameliorate the issue of politics in Nigeria through the means of human capacity building, widening, deepening knowledge on different political issues confronting the nation and government at all level should eschew politics in governance and face governance properly in other to salvage what is left of the nation from the major issues that has to do with politics in the country.

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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