September 2024

Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024
The Correlation between Home Literacy Environment and Children’s Language Comprehension
1Fatin Syahida Binti Ramlan, 2Lu JingYi, 3Monica Leena Rajaretnam, 4Ooi Boon Keat
1,2,3,4School of Education and Social Sciences, Management and Science University

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Lack of parent-child interaction and literacy activities causes the child to have lower comprehension development. The quality of parent-child interactions and the frequency of joint activities in the home literacy environment on comprehension development enriching are seemed to be important for children. This study aims to investigate the correlation between home literacy environment and children’s language comprehension development. Additionally, to test are there a significant relationship between home literacy environment and children’s language comprehension, an online survey was distributed to 150 parents of children aged six years old that lives in Shah Alam. The research instruments were used based on Home Literacy Environment Questionnaire and also was adopted and adapted from Farver, Xu, Eppe and Lonigan, 2006, and also Comprehension Questionnaire that is adopted and adapted from are used to investigate the correlation between both variables. The data was analysed through quantitative method by using descriptive statistic and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to investigate the relationships between home literacy environment and children’s language comprehension. Consequently, the research findings show that majority of families is having high level of home literacyenvironment and majority of children is having high level of language comprehension. The results showed the positive correlation indicates better home literacy environment will increase children’s language comprehension development.These results suggest that parents play main role in children’s language development by conducting joint activities with the children to enhance their comprehension at early age.


Home Literacy Environment, Preschool Children Comprehension, Literacy Activities, Parent Involvement

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Volume 07 Issue 09 september 2024

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