Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Abigael Jepng’etich Rono, 2Mak’obila, L.A, 3Isaac Shitubi
1,2,3Moi University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-52Google Scholar Download Pdf
The number of students studying Geography in secondary schools in Kenya has significantly declined in recent years. It was against this background that the study sought to determine how learners’ perception of physical geography hindered them from selecting the subject in secondary schools in Kiminini Sub-county in Kenya. The study was based on Lev Vygotsky’s social constructivist theory which explains how a learner’s cognitive development and learning ability guides and mediates their learning hence their choices. The study was carried out among selected secondary schools in Kiminini Sub- County, which is one of the sub counties in Trans-Nzoia County. Three main groups were selected as participants of the study. These were the form III learners who had dropped geography after Form II, the geography teachers and Heads of Departments for geography. The research used stratification to categorize secondary schools into National, Extra County, County and Sub- County, selecting 2 national schools, 2 extra county schools and 2 county and two sub-county schools for the study. This yielded a total of eight schools, 2 in every category. Furthermore, random purposive sampling technique was used to select ten students from each of the selected schools. There was therefore a total of 80 students who participated in the study. These were Form III students who were not taking geography. Geography teachers who had taught a Form II class were selected from each of the sampled schools whereas the heads of department were purposively sampled. The study adopted a qualitative approach in which data was collected using unstructured questionnaire, face to face interview and focus group discussion. A thematic analysis was adopted for the study which saw the study findings represented through thematic narratives. The study revealed that most learners who had dropped geography had negative attitude towards physical geography which they considered abstract and uninteresting. Geography teachers on the other hand were well trained and experienced but strictly ensured learners took part in all learning activities which often led to learners leaving the subject and dropping out. The syllabus content for physical geography was considered wide with complex concepts that made the field difficult for learners. This paper should be able to provide useful information to players involved in teaching geography and aid in expanding knowledge on geography instruction.
KEYWORDS:Physical Geography, Optional Subject, Secondary School Learners, Learners’ Choice.
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