February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Implementation of Lesson Study-Based Integrative Learning to Improving Students' Pedagogical Competence
1Wahyu Nugroho, 2Sapriya
1,2Faculty of Education, Indonesian Education University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-30

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This action research was carried out with the aim of observing and improving students' pedagogical competence as prospective educators through learning activities in the classroom. The research was conducted in a class consisting of 21 3rd year students from various social backgrounds. This research uses an action research method based on lesson study and was carried out for 4 months with a total of 32 lesson hours. The integrative learning approach is carried out using lesson study equipped with learning observation data, interviews and questionnaire instruments in each cycle. The research results show that there is an increase in students' pedagogical competence at each stage of implementing lesson study with the plan, do and see-evaluation stages. skills in making lesson plans increased from an average of 82 to 93, skills in managing integrative learning increased from an average of 83 to 90. Meanwhile, at the evaluation and reflection stage, students shared their practical learning experiences with practitioners in the classroom. This research has two important implications: firstly, this research shows that student activities have increased understanding in planning before teaching practice, secondly, teacher action research can be carried out to create problem-solving analyzes in pedagogical competence using an integrative learning model.


Pedagogical Competency; Lesson Study; Integrative learning, Micro teaching, Team teaching

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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