February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
The Social Advocacy Process in Cases of Children Victims of Sexual Abuse at the SOW OFF Indonesia Institution
1Gina Indah Permata Nastia, 2Yani Achdiani
1,2Family Welfare Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-43

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Social advocacy plays a significant role in enhancing the protection and handling of minors who experience sexual abuse and violence. Collaboration between child protection agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the government in building advocacy networks is crucial for advocating for better policy changes and ensuring effective implementation. Despite some progress, challenges remain in this social advocacy process. Barriers such as insufficient resources, social stigma, and low public awareness need to be addressed. This study aims to investigate the social advocacy process regarding the handling of minors experiencing sexual abuse and violence. Through a qualitative approach, literature review, and interviews with relevant stakeholders, the research analyses advocacy efforts in addressing cases of sexual abuse and violence against children. Additionally, this study proposes recommendations for improvement, including enhancing public education, broader stakeholder training, and strengthening child protection policies. The advocacy process in handling minors involved in sexual abuse and violence requires a strong social advocacy effort. By strengthening the social advocacy process through education, policy reinforcement, training, victim support, and a robust advocacy network, we can improve protection and handling of these cases and give a voice to those who need support in cases of sexual abuse and violence against minors.


Social advocacy process, children, sexual abuse, sexual violence, protection

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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