
Perception of the Need for Children's Comic Media Development with the Themes of Prevention of Covid-19 in Elementary School Learning
1Munjiatun, 2Guslinda, 3Otang Kurniaman, 4Eddy Noviana, 5Muhammad Ramadhan
1,2,3,4,5Primary Teacher Education, Universitas Riau- Indonesia

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Analysis of perceptions of needs in developing children's comic media with the theme of preventing Covid-19 has a research objective to determine the needs of teachers in the development of children's comics. The research method used is quantitative methods, with the research instrument using google form as a research data collection tool, the results of research on the use of comic media in learning in elementary schools were the highest with the criteria of 55.2%, and in the category of never using comic media as many as 31 %, The second indicator of comic media is beneficial in learning, it is still very lacking in use with a score of 43.7%, criteria sometimes, and the criteria of never using comic media learning media is 28.7%. The fourth indicator of habituation in reading comics in schools is the highest with the criteria, sometimes getting a score of 48.3% and the criteria of never giving refraction in reading comics at school is 34.5%. The fifth indicator of the delivery of the coronavirus in learning was the highest with a score of 36.8% on the criteria often and on the criteria of never conveying about the coronavirus in learning getting a score of 11.5%. The delivery indicator is more effective with comic media with the criteria, sometimes with a score of 55.8%, so the conclusion is that the development of children's comics is very much needed.


perception, children's comics, elementary school, covid-19.


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