
Self-Concept of Milenial Generation in Managing the Boundaries of Information on Privacy on Social Media
1Iman Sumarlan,2Panji Dwi Ashrianto, 3Rahmadya Putra Nugraha S
1,2,3, Sebelas Maret State University, Surakarta, Indonesia

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This research is motivated by the fact that humans have two strong desires in themselves, namely the desire to be one with each other or other humans around them and the desire to become one with the surrounding natural environment. Privacy is used to express themselves, so someone needs a room that supports these interests. Where each individual sets the distance for closeness with other individuals, and the ability of a person or group to decide when and to whom personal information can be shared, in the way desired by the owner of the information.

The purpose of this study was to determine the millennial self-concept in managing privacy information boundaries. The management of privacy information boundaries is discussed in the process of five basic assumptions on the theory of communication privacy management.

This research uses constructivist paradigm with descriptive research type. The research method used is phenomenology, data collection techniques in this study were obtained through premier data: in-depth interviews and secondary data through: literature study, documentation sourced in books, journals and the internet. Data validity checking technique used is auhenticity & triangulation (sources).

The results of the following research are millennial self-concept in managing privacy information by controlling the privacy information that is collected and collected, then millennial makes boundaries with people who can understand and understand the rules that have been agreed upon, control information that has been shared with others, after that millennial made rules that had been mutually agreed upon in the disclosure of information, and in responding to the occurrence of safety information, 11 millennial informants chose to withdraw and 3 millennial informants maintained a good relationship.


Privacy boundaries, self-concept, milenial


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