
Paraphrase Strategy in Translating Indonesian Novel into English
1Erlina Zulkifli Mahmud, 2Taufik Ampera, 3Bima Bayusena
1,2,3Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung – Sumedang Km 21 Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia

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This research article discusses one of the translation strategies namely paraphrase. The method used is a mixed method of descriptive-comparative method with both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The data source is the translation of a novel, Tarian Bumi written in Indonesian language as the source language text and ‘Earth Dance’ in English as the target language text. The data used for this research are taken from the first part of the novel. The background of this research is the phenomenon showing that from all the sentences in the first part of the novel, more than 50% are being paraphrased. To identify what linguistic units are paraphrased, what kinds of paraphrase involved and which paraphrase is used more than others are the objectives of this research. The results show that the paraphrases involve all linguistic units ranging from word, phrase, clause, to sentence. The paraphrase can be used individually or in a combination consisting of two paraphrases and among the four kinds of paraphrase, the explicative paraphrase is used more than others either it is used individually or in combination.


explicative paraphrase, linguistic unit, paraphrase strategy, Tarian Bumi ‘Earth Dance’, translating a novel


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