The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Competitive Advantage through the Mediation Role of Sustainability
1Reem Mohamed Ismaeil El-Masry,2 Dr. Ahmed ElSamadicy,3 Prof. Dr. Mohamed A. Ragheb
1Vice Dean - College of Postgraduate Studies in Business , Arab Academy for Science , Technology and Maritime Transport
2Dean - College of Business Administration Aswan , Arab Academy for Science , Technology and Maritime Transport
3Academy for Science , Technology and Maritime Transport
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i10-12

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This paper aims to develop a framework for the entrepreneurial orientation in Egypt to cope with the required level of competitive advantage to be achieved by SMEs in the Egyptian context through the mediating role of sustainability. This illustration will be tackling every dimension of entrepreneurial orientation, Sustainability, and competitive advantage. Then the relationship between the three variables will be tested and examined. Literature and prior studies related to this field are reviewed to construct the research hypotheses which state that there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and sustainability, there is a significant relationship between sustainability and competitive advantage, Sustainability mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and competitive advantage. These hypotheses will be tested throughout the research study. Primary data is collected from entrepreneurs of Egyptian SMEs in the food and beverage sector using a quantitative approach (Questionnaire). The data collected is analyzed and then the results of the analysis and findings are demonstrated by the end of the research with some recommendations to Egyptian SMEs to enhance their competitive advantages.


Entrepreneurial Orientation, Sustainability, Competitive Advantage.


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