Etymology of the Word and Axiological-Evaluative Semantics
Oleksandr Polishchuk
Military Institute, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 81, Lomonosova St., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i10-15

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Etymology is a section of linguistics, a section of comparative-historical linguistics that studies the origin of language words; a set of research methods aimed at clarifying the origin of the word, as well as the result of this clarification. The etymology of the word is its linguistic and cultural-historical passport, its biography, which reflects the structural and semantic status of the word in the ancient period of language development and its place in the circle of related and unrelated languages. Etymology is designed to explain all the changes (or invariance) of the form of the word, at the same time all the metamorphoses of its meaning in the light of the cultural and historical conditions in which a language developed; rationally assess the potential inherent in the word for further development and trace the mechanisms of its semantic development. . The purpose of research is to clarify the role of etymology and axiology in semantic and etymological analysis. Semantic and etymological analysis of reference values as information centers of the grid of linguistic meanings of the nominative system reveals the original forms and original semantic dominants in the typological context, determine their potential for further semantic and nominative development in the languages studied. It is a kind of "bridge" to the new semantic links, correlated with those already established. Typological comparison allows to identify semasiological parallels (similar semantic dominants and similar semantic expansion) against the background of areal and genetic. Semasiological parallels are research-motivated, because we are dealing with one concept, which is expressed in languages with semasiologically common roots. Based on the analysis of the components of the onomasiological paradigm, we can distinguish two types of assessment: axiological evaluation on an objective basis and axiological evaluation on a subjective basis. Axiological evaluation on an objective basis focuses on rational evaluation, which researchers traditionally associate with the notion of stereotype used in logical evaluation theories. Axiological evaluation on a subjective basis. In this type of evaluation, the leading role belongs to the emotional component: the already evaluated phenomenon here is layered with the actual subjective evaluation, so the already evaluated objective feature is evaluated again, subjectively. It is a mix of a sign and its evaluation, another assessment is subjective, emotional. The formation of axiologically evaluative semantics of units of all types in the totality of meaning and form can be carried out on the basis of typological and specific for each language psychological associations of figurative and non- figurative nature, due to the presence of different people, different ideas and concepts. Language is an expression not only of the linguistic thinking of an individual nation, but also of the linguistic and cultural experience inherent in humanity as a whole.


Etymology, Evaluation, Evaluative Type, Comparison, Axiology, Axiological Semantics, Evaluative Semantics, Etymological Analysis.


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