How to Measure Profile-Based Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge?
1Eliana Sari, 2Madhakomala, 3Durotul Yatimah, 4Karnadi,5Wahyu Sri Ambar Arum
1,2,3,4,5Education Management Study Program, Postgraduate Program - State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the profile of teachers' pedagogic content knowledge (PCK) through PCK measurement management. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The respondents of this study were 105 science teachers at junior high schools in DKI Jakarta who were taken by random sampling. Teacher PCK is measured through 5 (five) domains, namely: curriculum, pedagogy, subject matter, students, and schools, which are arranged in 66 test and non-test instruments. Data collection techniques were carried out through the distribution of test and non-test instruments with a Likert scale. The results of the validity and reliability test with the Pearson and Cronbach's alpha correlation test showed that the instrument was proven to be valid and reliable. The usability and significance test results show consistent and useful results. The results showed that most of the science teachers' PCK was very high, while the very low was less than 2%. Teachers' PCK levels are also influenced by educational strata, age, and seniority. The recommendation of this research is to provide training on making PCK instruments for teachers, as an effort to optimize the knowledge of science teachers in increasing the PISA scores of Indonesian students.


PCK measurement, sains teacher, PISA


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