A Juridical Review on the Enforcement of Criminal Law to the Violations of Tender Conspiracy Practices in the Procurement of Government Goods/Services in Health Sector
Retna K. Rachman
Faculty of Low Study Program "Veteran" National development University Jakarta

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Due to the demand for health care services that is getting higher, making business actors engaged in the provision of health services/facilities also seek to further improve the services they have to meet market demand. Hospitals and health clinics are increasingly diverse in offering health services to potential consumers. So that people as consumers also have a variety of choices to fulfill their needs for health services. The health sector is one of the programs that has a fairly large budget item at this time, namely the health equipment procurement program. The large budget allocation from the government opens up opportunities to be misused if there is no strict supervision from the stakeholders themselves or from other institutions. The health budget that should be used to build public health is actually used to enrich oneself and others which can result in poor service and quality of public health. Meanwhile, one of the basic problems related to business competition in Indonesia is the process of procurement of government goods/services. In the process of procuring government goods and services, some believe that there are still many practices of conspiracy to determine the winner in a tender. This clearly contradicts the principles and mechanisms that have been regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2021 concerning Government Procurement of Goods/Services and Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Government Procurement. KPPU was formed based on the mandate of Law Number 5 of 1999. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the limitations and powers of the KPPU are related to the handling of cases of tender conspiracy which have implications for criminal acts.


Unfair Business Competition; Tender Conspiracy; Criminal sanctions; KPPU's involvement.


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