Class Level Differences in Stress Experiences and Coping Strategies among Undergraduate Students
1Dr. Dominic Owusu, 2Professor J.A Omotosho, 3Dr. Mark Owusu Amponsah,4 Dr. Anthony A.Nkyi, 5Esther Arthur Sarfo
1Department of Education Studies OLA College of Education Cape Coast
2Department of Guidance and Counselling University of Cape Coast
3Department of Education and Psychology University of Cape Coast
4Counselling centre, University of Cape Coast
5OLA College of Education

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This study assessed the class level differences in stress experiences and coping strategies among undergraduate students in Ghana. The study employed a descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 265 undergraduate students out of the 846 student population in the Department of Education and Psychology. The research instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire entitled “Stress Experiences and Coping Strategies” (SECS). Means and standard deviations were used to analyse the research questions. The findings revealed that common stress experiences varied, with lack of social contact with students of other faculties in the University as the most common stress experienced among the respondents. Also the most commonly used coping strategy was having enough rest. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the University should champion and promote inter-faculty, social and academic programmes and activities that would enable students to interact, socialize and build rapport among themselves.


stress experiences, coping strategies, undergraduates, class level differences, counselling, university education


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