Judicial Review By Public Prosecutors In Criminal Cases
1Brahmantio Dwiputra, 2 Handoyo Prasetyo
1,2Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

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Law enforcement efforts should begin to consider and make victims as parties who have an interest in the judicial process. Victims of criminal acts so far have not received enough attention in an effort to fight for justice. The things that are considered and considered include legal certainty, expediency and justice. Legal certainty is closely related to the guarantee of protection to the community against arbitrary actions aimed at public order, while expediency is to create the greatest benefit or happiness to the community, while justice is truth, impartiality, can be accounted for and treats every human being at the same time. equal position before the law (equality before the law). Likewise, the judicial review institution as part of an extraordinary effort in enforcing the law should also be based on these three objectives. On the other hand, the unaccommodated or unaccommodated interests of the victims in the legal provisions encourage interpretations that lead to the defence of interests and justice for the victims, even though in the end it is considered contrary to the law. On this basis, reforms or formal legal reforms summarized in the Criminal Procedure Code, especially in the discussion on review, should be carried out immediately. Of course, these reforms must make the Criminal Procedure Code better and able to accommodate various problems that have not been accommodated so far. This new formal legal provision can later annul conflicting legal provisions between PERMA, the Constitutional Court's Decision and so on. In addition, it is hoped that the new KUHAP will also be able to end the pros and cons and confusion regarding the submission of a judicial review that has so far occurred in a criminal justice process.


Law enforcement efforts


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