
Poverty of Feminization: Survive Strategy of Poor Female Householder, Support and Resistance Factors
1Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih, 2Irma Fitriana Ulfa, 3Sumi Lestari
1,2,3 Universit As Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran Malang 65145

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This study aims to analyze the alleviation of rural poverty feminization, especially the poor female householder, but also analyzes the supporting and inhibiting factors within the Feminization of Poverty Alleviation of Jalin Matra Program in Tulusbesar Village, Tumpang District and Malang Regency, East Java - Indonesia. This program launched by the Governor of East Java in 2014-2019 which aims to empower the poor society in East Java (PERGUB No. 5 in 2018). Tulusbesar Village being the village with a number of Jalin Matra target Households in the Feminization of Poverty Program in 2016. The method used in this study is descriptive-qualitative, in which the basic data is taken with interviews while documents are the secondary data. There were 9 informants were poor Female Householder. The results showed that of the KRTP occurs because of four things, such as: divorce by death, parting from the prior husband due to incompatibility, disability husband or permanently sick husband so that he cannot provide for his family and got abandoned by the husband. The women empowerment at the Tulusbesar Village can be said to be successful due to the most of the KRTP beneficiaries of Jalin Matra succeed or could develop their business well, but still, need to be improved according to their potential and capabilities.


feminization of poverty, Poverty Program, female householder and the women empowerment


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