
The Politico-Criminal Configuration Relationship between Organized Crime and the State as a Form of State-Organized Crime in the Phenomenon of Production and Circulation of Counterfeit Drugs in Indonesia
1Bismo Teguh Prakoso, 2Adrianus E. Meliala, 3Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi
1Doctor from the Department of Criminology at the University of Indonesia and member of the Indonesian National Police as the Police Chief of the Ciamis Resort.
2Professor from the Department of Criminology, University of Indonesia
3Chair of the University of Indonesia National Resilience Study Program and is also a permanent lecturer at the Department of Criminology at the University of Indonesia

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Counterfeit drugs in Indonesia had reached two billion USD or 25% of total amount pharmaceutical business in Indonesia during 2016 (MIAP, 2016). Preventive and repressive effort have been endeavored across sectors of formal institution. Nevertheless, the business remain stay. In my opinion, this situation may have supported by the existance of politicocriminal configurations, a symbiosys mutualism interaction between holders of political power (state) dengan users of extralegal force and intimidation (organized crime) Briquet & Favarel-Garrigues, 2010). Through qualitative approach, this study interviewed state apparatus from seven drugs related enforcement institions and two offenders. Result shows relation of politico-criminal configurations is not fully proven. This relation is only found in the form of co-optation of state functions as enforcement of norms by organized crime through corrupted state apparatus. Furthermore, study also find that a complicated business process of drugs creates a criminogenic environment that is supported by corporate-organized crime.


politico-criminal configurations, organized crime, corporate organized crime, state-organized crime


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