
The Self-Image of Tattooed Women within the Social Interaction Space in the Society
George Nicholas Huwae
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia

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This scientific paper discusses how tattoo edwomen interact in social life with the majority of people having a negative view of tattoo images. Atattooed woman interacts socially and culturally. It is in this social space that she negotiates with her social world, in various ways, such as allowing the tattoo image on her body to be openly seen, or she tries to cover it up when the woman considers negative or positive views of the tattoo images on some parts of her body The approach used to understand tattooed women's interactions with their social life was the Looking Glass Self proposed by Charles Horton Cooley, which discusses how the looking glass self analogy affects the developmnet of a person's self-concept.

Thiswas a qualitative study designedto answer the problem of how tattooed women interact with their socio-cultural world which has positive and negative views. Qualitative method of a tattooed woman life story was applied to explore experiences regarding their social interactions. This study involved 3 case studies to answer such problem. This study found that there were different negotiation processes between a tattooed woman andanother, alongwithdifferent cases of tattoo image ownership.


Self-Image, Social Interaction, Tattoo


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