
Antinomi Regulations on the Recognition and Enforcement of Ulayat Right from Indigenous Peoples
1Rianda Dirkareshza, 2 Aji Lukman Ibrahim, 3 Andri Ardianto
1Faculty of Law Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, RS, Fatmawati Street, South Jakarta City, 12450
2Faculty of Law Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, RS, Fatmawati Street, South Jakarta City, 12450
3Doctor of Law program at the Christian University of Indonesia

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Ulayat Right is a historical right owned by tribal groups scattered throughout Indonesia that contains the value of local wisdom in the arrangement of control, use, utilization, supply, and maintenance of agrarian resources. The substance of Ulayat Right and the organization of the power of indigenous peoples as the executor of the authority of Ulayat Right became a model in the development of agrarian law Nasional as stated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). The state has an obligation to recognize in the sense of respect while protecting and fulfilling what is the right of every citizen. One of them is the right of control and ownership of Ulayat Right that until now has not been implemented optimally, as if the mastery and ownership of Ulayat Right by indigenous peoples is not fully accessible from the LAW and other laws and regulations. Based on the background of the above problems, the purpose of this paper is to review the Antinomics of The Ulayat Right Regulation of Indigenous Peoples with public-private and private-dimensional ulayat land and explore and analyze the urgency of protection of Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Indonesia. This paper is normative research, the approach used is a statutory approach (statute approach), presented descriptively-perspective and analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion in this paper Is the Authority of the Indigenous Law Community, while the private dimension appears in the manifestation of Ulayat Right as belonging together. So that the scope includes recognition and confirmation, granting of land rights on Ulayat Right, transfer and eradication of indemnity rights and the removal of private Ulayat Right. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a draft law governing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Antinomi, Ulayat Right, Customary Law


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