
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
Organize and Prioritize Appropriate Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies Case Study: Mazandaran Province
Meysam Ramyar
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM, Johor, Malaysia

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The present study aims to identify the encouraging and deterrent forces in tourism development, and appropriate strategies were organized and prioritized. In this way, the encouraging and deterrent forces are first identified and then prioritized according to the ANP method. In the second stage, using the model PIP, the most appropriate development strategies for sustainable tourism in the Mazandaran province was developed for the most important forces. Finally, for prioritization, systems establish a pairwise comparison between approaches formulated based on research sub-criteria. Besides, the research results showed that "creating jobs" and "increasing property prices" are the most important among the encouraging and deterrent forces. Among the strategies presented, strategy (A-1) with a coefficient of 0/0823 emphasizes optimal and purposeful use of increasing motivation travel among people to take advantage of tourist attractions and products to create employment and income for the province's people suggested as the best strategy.


Strategy, Sustainable Tourism, Mazandaran Province, PIP Model, Analysis Network Process (ANP).


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021

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