
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on the Ability to Recognize Entrepreneurial Opportunities (Case study: Technical and vocational training centres in Sari city)
Marzieh Bohloli Oskoei
Faculty of Management,Islamic Azad University,Sari, Iran

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The lack of entrepreneurial opportunities in many organizations and individuals has caused the unemployment rate to increase in the country and a significant share in different fields; employment decreases day by day. In this regard, opportunity recognition is one of the critical pillars of entrepreneurship education that has been considered in entrepreneurship studies in recent years. This study aimed to investigate the effect of entrepreneurship education on capability.

Identify entrepreneurial opportunities of individuals and organizations regarding the Sari brothers centre, Sari Sister Centre, Farahabad dual-purpose centre of Sari city was selected from technical and vocational training centres. The measurement tool of this study is a questionnaire, and SPSS software for analysis Data was used. Data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire containing 31 questionnaires, and its validity was done through four experts. Entrepreneurship and dynamics were confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha with a coefficient of 0/8056. This research is calculated through Krejcie and Morgan formulasby 59 people. A sample size of 70 experts and trainers with several years of experience in technical and vocational training centres in SariCity were calculated and studied. Based on the results of this study, entrepreneurship education is effective in identifying entrepreneurial opportunities and Entrepreneurship education in six factors of active search, awareness, prior knowledge, social capital, environmental factors and cognitive and individual characteristics of diagnosis.


Entrepreneurship Education, Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Trainees, Rehabilitation.


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021

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