
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
Relationship Between The Direct Roles of Principles In Assisting Parents To Improve Students’ Academic Achievement
1Shanti Ramalingam. PhD,2Kalidass Machappan. PhD,3Piragash Murugesu
1Department of e-Learning, National Institute of Educational Management & Leadership Genting Highlands, Malaysia
2Department of Educational & Leadership Management, National Institute of Educational Management & Leadership Genting Highlands, Malaysia
3Department of Consultation & Leadership Management, National Institute of Educational Management & Leadership Genting Highlands, Malaysia

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The objective of this research is to identify the direct relationship of priciples roles in helping parents to improve students’ academic achievement. This research will focus on how school management through principle and teacher’s role towards four main aspects; parenthood, communication, home schooling and volunteerism that enable teachers to increase the students’ academic development. 100 standard six students at West Country Barat primary school were used as the sample for this research and questionnaire is used as instrument. All the data were processed using SPSS software to identify the mean score percentage frequency, Pearson correlation and One Way ANOVA. The findings of the research indicated positive significant relationship between direct roles of principles and teachers in assisting parent to improve students’ academic achievement in the aspect of volunteerism. Several suggestions were also made to improve principle and teacher’s role in assisting parents in improving the academic achievement in the aspect of communication, parents and home schooling.


Principle & teachers’role, students’ academic achievement, parents, communication, home schooling and volunteerism


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021

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