
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
Communicative Competence of College English Language Teachers: Using Results as Basis For An Action Plan
Ma . Fe B. Belasoto
School of Education, Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College

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This study determined the communicative competence of the college English language teachers of Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College (NIPSC) in the 5th District of Iloilo through a researcher-developed instrument which had undergone validity and reliability testing. Utilizing mixed method approach and with forty-five (45) English language teachers who were chosen through complete enumeration, result showed that the respondents’ level of communicative competence in the areas of grammatical, sociolinguistic, strategic and discourse was “very good”, while the extent of their English language exposure was “sometimes” for the 95.56% and “always” for only 4. 44%. There was no significant relationship between the respondents’ number of years in teaching, written language proficiency, relevant seminars and trainings attended and all areas of communicative competence. Among the four areas of communicative competence, grammatical and sociolinguistic competence had significant relationship with their oral language proficiency and discourse competence had significant relationship with highest educational attainment. There was no significant relationship between their communicative competence and extent of English language exposure. There was no significant difference between the level of communicative competence of the respondents when they were grouped according to campus. The following factors were perceived to contribute to their communicative competence: the practice of the English language inside and outside the classroom, exposure to mainstream media, experience as English teachers, inherent intelligence, seminars or trainings attended, while the extent of their language exposure was perceived to be influenced by time, attitude or preference of the teacher, environment, teaching load, co-workers and students. Based on the result of the study an action plan was proposed to improve the efficiency, competence, and performance of the English language teachers at the College.


communicative competence, college English language teachers, English language exposure, oral language proficiency, written language proficiency,


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021

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