July 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021
The Students’ Perception Towards The Online Learning Implementation of Hair Trimming Course
1Cica Syahrilla Putri,2Vivi Efrianova
1,2Department of Make-Up and Beauty, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality,Universitas Negeri Padang
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i7-23

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Online learning for Hair Trimming Course using Whatsapp, Zoom, and Elearning2unp applications is conducted by creating a class group and learning interaction using chat features and uploading material files, but the implementation is still not maximal. This study aimed at 1) knowing the students' perceptions about online 1earning facilities in hair trimming course, 2) knowing the students' perceptions about the students’ capacity in using online learning facilities in hair trimming course, 3) knowing the students' perceptions of online learning activities in hair trimming course, and 4) knowing the students’ perception of online learning implementation in hair trimming course. This was a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. The variable was single. The population was the students majoring in the Department of Makeup and Beauty, Faculty of Tourism and Hospita1ity, Universitas Negeri Padang batch 2019 by using the probability sampling technique. This study used primary data. The data collection technique was in the form of questionnaires or structured questionnaires. The instrument was a questionnaire distributed via Google Form. The tests applied to the instrument were the validity test and reliability test. The data ana1ysis technique used a descriptive statistica1 ana1ysis. Based on the resu1t of the study, it can conc1ude that the majority of the students batch 2019 have a less positive perception towards the imp1ementation of on1ine 1earning in the hair trimming course. This can be seen from the online learning facilities showing 12.5% (strongly positive), 17.9% (positive), 59% (less positive), and 10.3% (negative). For the educators’ and the students’ capacity in using the online learning facilities, the result is 12.8% (strongly positive), 10.3% (positive), 64.1% (less positive), and 12.8% (negative). Meanwhile, the result for the online learning activities is 7.7% (strongly positive), 46.2% (positive), 33.3% (less positive), and 12.8% (negative). Consequently, overall, the students' perception against the imp1ementation of on1ine learning in the hair trimming course is categorized as less positive. The students are suggested to maximize the use of online learning facilities in the hair trimming course to achieve a better outcome.


Students’ Perception, On1ine Learning, Hair Trimming


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021

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