August 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
Legal Protection of Consumers that Have Funds in Illegal Cooperative Legal Entities in Indonesia Study of the Supreme Court Decision Number 3 K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2019
1Muamar Adil Daffa,2Suherman
1Master Program of Law, Faculty of Law, State University of Veteran Jakarta
2Lecturer of Postgraduate Masters in Law, State University of Veteran Jakarta Jl. RS. FatmawatiPondokLabu, South Jakarta 12450

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This study aims to provide a way out regarding legal protection for consumers who carry out fund-keeping activities in illegal cooperative legal entities. Seeing the development of the pattern of life in society, where the current economic sector is growing rapidly, in this case the investment or deposit of funds in a particular legal entity is in great demand by the public. This interest is then used by unscrupulous cooperative bodies in carrying out their illegal business activities. The state as a regulator and protector of the public interest needs to be present in regulating the procedures for storing funds and how to protect them for the community. This then becomes interesting for the author in conducting this research. Where the cooperative legal entity carries out business activities to raise funds in the community illegally and when carrying out its business activities the cooperative legal entity fails to pay, the big question is what form of legal protection is provided by the state to consumers who have already done fundraising on illegal cooperative legal entities the. The existence of the court as the last door for consumers that can then be given by the state as a form of legal protection that can be taken.


legal protection, Illegal Funds, consumer.

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021

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