August 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
Act of Cipta Kerja: An Environmental Legal Reversion from A Globalization Perspective
1Adimas Haryosetyo,2Joko Setiyono
1,2Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

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Developments in the era of globalization cover various aspects of human life, ranging from economic aspects to legal aspects. Harmonization between countries is formed as a result of the process, including harmonization of laws. In the realm of environmental law, harmonization of national environmental law with international environmental law is carried out to achieve the shared dreams and goals of the world community in carrying out sustainable development that ensures environmental sustainability, so that it can be passed on to future generations. This study uses normative juridical research that examines the relevant laws and regulations. This research will examine how the implications of globalization on Indonesian law, how the development of international environmental law and how the development of national environmental law. From the results of research, internationally, changes in international environmental law were marked by the 1972 Schockholm conference which introduced new aspects of international environmental law, and continued to grow to recognize animal rights in environmental law. Indonesia itself actually has an environmental concept in the 1945 Constitution, so that as a source of all laws and regulations in Indonesia, Indonesian legislation should reflect this concept, but with the enactment of Law number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (UU Cipta Kerja) and its amendments to previous regulations indicate a setback in the field of environmental law in Indonesia.


Act of Cipta Kerja, law reversion, Environmental, Globalization


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021

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